Bracelet watch concept uses blocks to tell the time


Jeffrey from the Netherlands has come up with a concept watch that was inspired by a square watch given to his girlfriend and his Wacom tablet. Shaped like a bracelet, this watch will feature an LED/LCD face that displays the time in blocks. As you can see above, the time is depicted in a series of blocks, with the largest indicating the hours, and the smaller ones the minutes and seconds respectively.

The extra space to the left of the face will be used to display larger blocks in a column of four. The bottom two will light up when it is in the AM, and the top two will light up to indicate that it is PM. Tapping on the watch’s face will tell the time while double tapping it will reveal its measurements.

It’s probably one of the most straightforward watches we’ve seen from Tokyo Flash in a while, not to mention it has a pretty sleek design that we’re sure many out there will be able to appreciate. If you think this deserves to be made, head on down to Tokyo Flash and leave your comments.